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Quito-Saratoga Little League

QSLL is Committed to a Safe Environment

Quito-Saratoga Little League is committed to providing our children a safe environment to learn and play. As a chartered member of Little League, we are part of the Little League ASAP program. ASAP stands for "A Safety Awareness Program". We submit our safety plan to Little League annually for approval. Our plan includes first aid information, emergency phone numbers, emergency procedures, and accident forms, among many other things. Each coach and team is given a copy of this document. 


Importance of Appropriate Equipment and Gear

Quito-Saratoga Little League also recognizes the importance of using appropriate equipment and gear in order to provide our players the safest environment. We should all work together in this effort. If you notice any conditions or equipment that you feel is unsafe, please notify your child's coach or safety coordinator immediately or contact the league's Safety Officer. We do our best, but are always relieved when someone points out something our volunteers may have missed.


Background Checks

All local Little Leagues are now required to conduct background checks on all Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors, members and any other persons or volunteers who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams.


A note regarding Social Security Numbers – Little League International (LLI) requires that ALL volunteers have a background check before they are allowed to participate. This is not an option and our league charter and insurance is dependent upon it. LLI sends a report to each District Administrator on the status of each league's background checks, calculating the number of checks we should have based on our league size. If we don't meet our requirement we are in danger of losing our charter and insurance. In order to perform the background check we must have your SSN, so please be aware that all volunteers are required to provide it, no exceptions. This information is kept by the Safety Officer in a secure location and is shredded at the end of the season (unless other arrangements are made). Parents not willing to provide their SSN will not be able to volunteer and will therefore be required to pay the $500 volunteer buy-out fee. Thank you for your understanding.


Accident Reporting Procedures

An incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire or other individual to receive medical attention must be reported the the league Safety Officer [email protected]. This includes even passive treatment confined to the evaluation of an injury. If there is an injury on the field, follow the procedure outlined in the safety documents below.



Quito-Saratoga Little League

PO Box 772 
Campbell, California 95009

Email: [email protected]

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