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Quito-Saratoga Little League

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions for Quito-Saratoga Little League

When does the season start? 

Player evaluations for AA, AAA and Majors are held in early January with practices beginning in February. We do not do evaluations for Tee-ball or A division teams. Games begin around the first Saturday in March.

When does the season end?

Regular season spring baseball ends mid-May.

How much time is involved? 

The frequency and duration of activities varies across divisions.

Tee-ball division - Practices and games are 1 day a week and held on Saturdays (March-May)
A division - Feb-April: 1-2 practices a week and games on Saturdays. April-May: 1 practice and 2 games a week (Tuesday or Thursday, and Saturdays).
AA division - Feb-March: 2 practices a week. March-May: 2 practices and 2 games a week.
AAA division & Majors - Feb-March: At least 2 practices a week with occasional scrimmages. March-May: At least 2 practices and 2 games a week.

AA, AAA, and Majors may have interlock games with other leagues and locations can vary.


*Please note that specifics may change depending on how many players register and how many teams are formed in each division.

What days and times are games scheduled? 

Saturday games will be 10:00am - 12:30pm and 1:00pm - 3:30pm. Weekday games are 5:30pm-7:45pm. Generally, players should arrive 45 minutes before games in A ball and arrive an hour before games in AA, AAA, and Majors.

What days and times are practices scheduled?

Practices are generally held for about 1-2 hours (depends on the manager and division) between 4:30 and 6 p.m. during the preseason and 4:30 and 8 p.m. during the remainder of the season.

Where do we play? 

Games and pre-season practices are generally held at our own facility, however, some managers may schedule scrimmages or batting cage practices off-site.  You can find a map of our fields here.  
Spring AA, AAA, and majors division teams may play interlock games at other little leagues in our neighboring communities.

What equipment will my child need?

Each player must provide their own glove, baseball pants and optional heart guard protection. Boys must have a protective cup. We encourage players to have their own batting helmets. If you do not have a batting helmet, the league can provide you with one. Cleats are needed for all age divisions. Other recommended equipment includes bats, bags, and batting gloves. Bats must be marked with the official Little League approved stamp.

What about team uniforms?

Each player receives a team uniform, hat, socks, and belt.

What does the league provide? 

The league provides facilities, some umpires, adult supervision, uniforms, snack shack, accident medical insurance and team equipment.

What about financial aid? 

Quito-Saratoga Little League welcomes all children who want to play baseball. No child is turned away for lack of funds. We provide payment plans, additional fund-raising and full- or partial-scholarships. We only ask that parents pay what they can afford and possibly volunteer some additional time so that our scholarships may be used to fund as many children as possible. For more information, please contact our league president: [email protected]

How are teams formed? 

Every player who registers is placed on a team. Teams are formed each season in order to balance teams in terms of age, skill and experience. We do hold player evaluations for players who are 7-years-old and above and hope to play in the AA, AAA, and majors divisions to determine skill level to balance teams and there is a draft for these three division as well.

Will my child have to attend a player evaluation?

Players who are 7-years-old and above and hope to play in the AA, AAA, and majors divisions are required to attend a player evaluation. Teams are then formed by managers and division representatives, making sure that each team is balanced with players from all playing levels. Every player who registers with our league plays.

Can I ask for a particular coach or friend? 

Players in Tee Ball and A Ball may request a certain coach or friend to play with, but we can not guarantee placement. AA, AAA, and majors division players may not make coach requests.

What about training? 

Quito Little League is committed to training. Training opportunities include league sponsored clinics for players, coaches, pitchers, managers, team parents, yearbook coordinators, snack shack coordinators, safety representatives, and scorekeepers.

What else happens during the season? 

The spring season will include many special events, including Opening Day ceremonies, player training clinics, Picture Day (TBA), Home Run Derby Festival (May), and other fun events TBD.

What does the league expect from me?

All adult participants, with the exception of umpires, are unpaid volunteers. Registration fees account for less than 50% of the per child cost required to run the program. All other funds are generated by donations from the community and from our own fundraising. The Snack Shack is our primary fundraiser. Parents are required to complete 15 points per family for the season (T-Ball families only need to complete 5 points per family). There are many different jobs that each team and our league needs fulfilled to run smoothly. Parents must fill out this form and submit it or be charged $100 per hour not completed.

How can I get involved? 

The work involved with running a sports league staffed entirely by volunteers is monumental. Help is always needed. Some jobs require commitment for an entire season, while others involve only a few hours work. In addition to team staff positions, we welcome applications for board membership and committees. Volunteers are always needed to run the website, manage the snack shack, inventory uniforms and equipment, purchase and distribute trophies, coordinate picture day, help with field preparation, work a booth at events, sponsor a team, or solicit donations for the league, etc! Please! Get involved. Our program is only as good as our volunteers.



Quito-Saratoga Little League

PO Box 772 
Campbell, California 95009

Email: [email protected]

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